eksctl create cluster 옵션 Create a cluster Usage: eksctl create cluster [flags] General flags: -n, --name string EKS cluster name (generated if unspecified, e.g. "attractive-gopher-1629498665") --tags stringToString Used to tag the AWS resources. List of comma separated KV pairs "k1=v1,k2=v2" (default []) -r, --region string AWS region --with-oidc Enable the IAM OIDC provider --zones strings (auto-select if unspecified) --version string Kubernetes version (valid options: 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21) (default "1.20") -f, --config-file string load configuration from a file (or stdin if set to '-') --timeout duration maximum waiting time for any long-running operation (default 25m0s) --install-vpc-controllers Install VPC controller that's required for Windows workloads --fargate Create a Fargate profile scheduling pods in the default and kube-system namespaces onto Fargate --dry-run Dry-run mode that skips cluster creation and outputs a ClusterConfig Initial nodegroup flags: --nodegroup-name string name of the nodegroup (generated if unspecified, e.g. "ng-7053d0e7") --without-nodegroup if set, initial nodegroup will not be created -t, --node-type string node instance type -N, --nodes int total number of nodes (for a static ASG) (default 2) -m, --nodes-min int minimum nodes in ASG (default 2) -M, --nodes-max int maximum nodes in ASG (default 2) --node-volume-size int node volume size in GB (default 80) --node-volume-type string node volume type (valid options: gp2, gp3, io1, sc1, st1) (default "gp3") --max-pods-per-node int maximum number of pods per node (set automatically if unspecified) --ssh-access control SSH access for nodes. Uses ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub as default key path if enabled --ssh-public-key string SSH public key to use for nodes (import from local path, or use existing EC2 key pair) --enable-ssm Enable AWS Systems Manager (SSM) --node-ami string 'auto-ssm', 'auto' or an AMI ID (advanced use) --node-ami-family string 'AmazonLinux2' for the Amazon EKS optimized AMI, or use 'Ubuntu2004' or 'Ubuntu1804' for the official Canonical EKS AMIs (default "AmazonLinux2") -P, --node-private-networking whether to make nodegroup networking private --node-security-groups strings attach additional security groups to nodes --node-labels stringToString extra labels to add when registering the nodes in the nodegroup. List of comma separated KV pairs "k1=v1,k2=v2" (default []) --node-zones strings (inherited from the cluster if unspecified) --instance-prefix string add a prefix value in front of the instance's name --instance-name string overrides the default instance's name --disable-pod-imds Blocks IMDS requests from non-host networking pods --managed Create EKS-managed nodegroup (default true) --spot Create a spot nodegroup (managed nodegroups only) --instance-types strings Comma-separated list of instance types (e.g., --instance-types=c3.large,c4.large,c5.large Cluster and nodegroup add-ons flags: --asg-access enable IAM policy for cluster-autoscaler --external-dns-access enable IAM policy for external-dns --full-ecr-access enable full access to ECR --appmesh-access enable full access to AppMesh --appmesh-preview-access enable full access to AppMesh Preview --alb-ingress-access enable full access for alb-ingress-controller --install-neuron-plugin install Neuron plugin for Inferentia nodes (default true) --install-nvidia-plugin install Nvidia plugin for GPU nodes (default true) VPC networking flags: --vpc-cidr ipNet global CIDR to use for VPC (default --vpc-private-subnets strings re-use private subnets of an existing VPC --vpc-public-subnets strings re-use public subnets of an existing VPC --vpc-from-kops-cluster string re-use VPC from a given kops cluster --vpc-nat-mode string VPC NAT mode, valid options: HighlyAvailable, Single, Disable (default "Single") Instance Selector options flags: --instance-selector-vcpus int an integer value (2, 4 etc) --instance-selector-memory string 4 or 4GiB --instance-selector-cpu-architecture string x86_64, or arm64 --instance-selector-gpus int an integer value AWS client flags: -p, --profile string AWS credentials profile to use (overrides the AWS_PROFILE environment variable) --cfn-role-arn string IAM role used by CloudFormation to call AWS API on your behalf --cfn-disable-rollback for debugging: If a stack fails, do not roll it back. Be careful, this may lead to unintentional resource consumption! Output kubeconfig flags: --kubeconfig string path to write kubeconfig (incompatible with --auto-kubeconfig) (default "/root/.kube/config") --authenticator-role-arn string AWS IAM role to assume for authenticator --set-kubeconfig-context if true then current-context will be set in kubeconfig; if a context is already set then it will be overwritten (default true) --auto-kubeconfig save kubeconfig file by cluster name, e.g. "/root/.kube/eksctl/clusters/attractive-gopher-1629498665" --write-kubeconfig toggle writing of kubeconfig (default true) Common flags: -C, --color string toggle colorized logs (valid options: true, false, fabulous) (default "true") -h, --help help for this command -v, --verbose int set log level, use 0 to silence, 4 for debugging and 5 for debugging with AWS debug logging (default 3) Use 'eksctl create cluster [command] --help' for more information about a command