;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Flash ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 ( exclusion fl.* package ) ; ; - author : Yoon JS ( makerfun@naver.com, http://blog.naver.com/makerfun ) ; - version : 1.1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #TITLE=ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|\<>?:;. #QUOTATION1=' #QUOTATION2=" #CONTINUE_QUOTE=n #LINECOMMENT=// #LINECOMMENT2= #COMMENTON=/* #COMMENTOFF=*/ #COMMENTON2= #COMMENTOFF2= #ESCAPE=\ #CASE=y #PREFIX1= #PREFIX2= #PREFIX3= #PREFIX4=: #PREFIX5= #PREFIX6= #PREFIX7= #SUFFIX1= #SUFFIX2= #SUFFIX3= #SUFFIX4= #SUFFIX5=( #SUFFIX6={ #SUFFIX7= #HTML_EMBEDDED=n #SCRIPT_BEGIN= #SCRIPT_END= #SPECIAL_STX= ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #KEYWORD=[ 1 ]Keyword ;Color : E = 160, S = 240, L = 120 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^#endinitclip ^#include ^#initclip add and break case catch class continue default delete do dynamic else eq extends false final finally for function ge get gt if implements import in instanceof interface le lt ne new not null on onClipEvent or package private public return set static super switch this true try typeof undefined var void while with ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #KEYWORD=[ 2 ]Identifier ;Color : E = 15, S = 200, L = 120 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSetNative ASSetPropFlags ASconstructor ASnative AVM1Movie Accessibility AccessibilityProperties ActionScriptVersion ActivityEvent AntiAliasType ApplicationDomain ArgumentError Array AsBroadcaster AsSetupError AsyncErrorEvent BevelFilter Bitmap BitmapData BitmapDataChannel BitmapFilter BitmapFilterQuality BitmapFilterType BlendMode BlurFilter Boolean Button ByteArray CSMSettings Camera Capabilities CapsStyle Color ColorMatrixFilter ColorTransform ContextMenu ContextMenuBuiltInItems ContextMenuEvent ContextMenuItem ConvolutionFilter CustomActions DataEvent Date DefinitionError Dictionary DisplacementMapFilter DisplacementMapFilterMode DisplayObject DisplayObjectContainer DropShadowFilter EOFError Endian Error ErrorEvent EvalError Event EventDispatcher EventPhase ExternalInterface FileFilter FileReference FileReferenceList FocusEvent Font FontStyle FontType FrameLabel FullScreenEvent Function GlowFilter GradientBevelFilter GradientGlowFilter GradientType Graphics GridFitType HTTPStatusEvent IBitmapDrawable ID3Info IDataInput IDataOutput IDynamicPropertyOutput IDynamicPropertyWriter IEventDispatcher IExternalizable IME IMEConversionMode IMEEvent IOError IOErrorEvent IllegalOperationError Infinity InteractiveObject InterpolationMethod InvalidSWFError JointStyle Key KeyLocation Keyboard KeyboardEvent LineScaleMode LoadVars Loader LoaderContext LoaderInfo LocalConnection MMExecute Math Matrix MemoryError Microphone MorphShape Mouse MouseEvent MovieClip MovieClipLoader Namespace NetConnection NetStatusEvent NetStream Number Object ObjectEncoding PixelSnapping Point PrintJob PrintJobOptions PrintJobOrientation Product ProgressEvent Proxy QName RangeError Rectangle ReferenceError RegExp Responder SWFVersion Scene ScriptTimeoutError Security SecurityDomain SecurityError SecurityErrorEvent SecurityPanel Selection Shape SharedObject SharedObjectFlushStatus SimpleButton Socket Sound SoundChannel SoundLoaderContext SoundMixer SoundTransform SpreadMethod Sprite StackOverflowError Stage StageAlign StageDisplayState StageQuality StageScaleMode StaticText StatusEven String StyleSheet SyncEvent SyntaxError System TextColorType TextDisplayMode TextEvent TextField TextFieldAutoSize TextFieldType TextFormat TextFormatAlign TextLineMetrics TextRenderer TextSnapshot Timer TimerEvent Transform TypeError URIError URLLoader URLLoaderDataFormat URLRequest URLRequestHeader URLRequestMethod URLStream URLVariables UTC VerifyError Video XML XMLDocument XMLList XMLNode XMLNodeType XMLSocket XMLUI abs accept accessibility acos activity add addCallback addChild addChildAt addEventListener addHeader addListener addNamespace addPage addRequestHeader added addedToStage addheader adobe allowDomain allowInsecureDomain alphas appendChild appendText applyFilter areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint areSoundsInaccessible arguments asin asyncError atan atan2 attachAudio attachCamera attachMovie attachNetStream attachSound attachVideo attribute avHardwareDisable beginBitmapFill beginFill beginGradientFill blockIndent bold broadcastMessage browse builtInItems bullet call callProperty cancel capabilities caption ceil change charAt charCodeAt child childIndex children clear clearInterval clearTimeout click clone cloneNode close color colorTransform colors comments compare complete compress computeSpectrum concat condenseWhite connect containers contains containsPoint containsRect controls copy copyChannel copyPixels core cos createBox createElement createEmptyMovieClip createGradientBox createTextField createTextNode curveTo customItems data dataGridClasses decode decodeURI decodeURIComponent defaultSettings deleteProperty deltaTransformPoint descendants describeType dispatchEvent display dispose doConversion domain doubleClick download draw drawCircle drawEllipse drawRect drawRoundRect duplicateMovieClip easing elements encodeURI encodeURIComponent endFill enterFrame enumerateFonts equals errors escape escapeMultiByte eval events every exec exp external fillRect filter filters findText fl flash floodFill floor flush focusIn focusOut font forEach formatToString forward_back fullScreen generateFilterRect geom getActions getAscii getBeginIndex getBounds getBytesLoaded getBytesTotal getCamera getCaretIndex getCharBoundaries getCharIndexAtPoint getChildAt getChildByName getChildIndex getClassByAlias getCode getColorBoundsRect getCount getDate getDay getDefinition getDefinitionByName getDepth getDescendants getDuration getEndIndex getFirstCharInParagraph getFocus getFontList getFullYear getHours getImageReference getInstanceAtDepth getLineIndexAtPoint getLineIndexOfChar getLineLength getLineMetrics getLineOffset getLineText getLocal getMicrophone getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth getNamespaceForPrefix getNewTextFormat getNextHighestDepth getObjectsUnderPoint getPan getParagraphLength getPixel getPixel32 getPixels getPosition getPrefixForNamespace getProgress getProperty getQualifiedClassName getQualifiedSuperclassName getRGB getRect getRemote getSWFVersion getSeconds getSelected getSelectedText getSize getStackTrace getStyle getText getTextExtent getTextFormat getTextRunInfo getTextSnapshot getTime getTimer getTimezoneOffset getTransform getURL getUTCDate getUTCDay getUTCFullYear getUTCHours getUTCMilliseconds getUTCMinutes getUTCMonth getUTCSeconds getUTCYear getVolume getYear globalToLocal gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop hasChildNodes hasComplexContent hasDefinition hasEmbeddedVideo hasEventListener hasGlyphs hasOwnProperty hasPrinting hasProperty hasScreenBroadcast hasScreenPlayback hasSimpleContent hasStreamingAudio hasStreamingVideo hide hideBuiltInItems hitTest hitTestObject hitTestPoint hitTestTextNearPos httpStatus id3 identity imeComposition inScopeNamespaces indent indexOf inflate inflatePoint init insertBefore insertChildAfter insertChildBefore installActions interpolate intersection intersects invalidate invert ioError isAccessible isActive isAttribute isDebugger isDefaultPrevented isDown isEmpty isFinite isFocusInaccessible isNaN isPrototypeOf isToggled isXMLName italic join keyDown keyFocusChange keyUp lang lastIndexOf leading leftMargin lineGradientStyle lineStyle lineTo link listClasses livepreview load loadBytes loadClip loadMovie loadMovieNum loadPolicyFile loadSound loadVariables loaded localFileReadDisable localName localToGlobal localeCompare lock log loop managers map match matrix matrixType max media menu menuItemSelect merge message meth min motion mouseDown mouseFocusChange mouseLeave mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp mouseWheel mouseWheelEnabled moveTo name namespace namespaceDeclarations namespaceURI navigateToURL net netStatus nextFrame nextName nextNameIndex nextValue nodeKind noise normalize offset offsetPoint open orientation pageHeight pageWidth paletteMap paperHeight paperWidth parent parse parseCSS parseFloat parseInt parseXML pause perlinNoise pixelDissolve play playerType polar pop pow prefix prependChild prevFrame preventDefault print printing processingInstructions profile profiler progress progressBarClasses propertyIsEnumerable publish push quality random ratios readBoolean readByte readBytes readDouble readExternal readFloat readInt readIntreadMultiByte readMultiByte readObject readShort readUTF readUTFBytes readUnsignedByte readUnsignedInt readUnsignedShort receiveAudio receiveVideo registerClassAlias registerFont removeChild removeChildAt removeEventListener removeListener removeMovieClip removeNamespace removeNode removeTextField removed removedFromStage render replace replaceSel replaceSelectedText replaceText reset resize resume reverse rewind rightMargin rollOut rollOver rotate round save screenResolution screenResolutionX screenResolutionY search security securityError seek select send sendAndLoad sendEvent sendToURL separatorBefore serverString setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable setBufferTime setChildIndex setChildren setClipboard setCompositionString setCursor setDate setDirty setDuration setEmpty setFocus setFps setFullYear setGain setHours setInterval setKeyFrameInterval setLocalName setLoopBack setLoopback setMask setMilliseconds setMinutes setMode setMonth setMotionLevel setName setNamespace setNewTextFormat setPan setPixel setPixel32 setPixels setPosition setProperty setPropertyIsEnumerable setQuality setRGB setRate setSeconds setSelectColor setSelected setSelection setSettings setSilenceLevel setStyle setTextFormat setTime setTimeout setTransform setUTCDate setUTCFullYear setUTCHours setUTCMilliseconds setUTCMinutes setUTCMonth setUTCSeconds setUseEchoSuppression setVolume setYear settings shift show showMenu showRedrawRegions showSettings sin size slice socketData some sort sortOn soundComplete splice split sqrt start startDrag stop stopAll stopDrag stopImmediatePropagation stopPropagation styleSheet substr substring subtract swapChildren swapChildrenAt swapDepths sync system tabChildrenChange tabEnabledChange tabIndexChange tabStops tan target test textInput threshold timer timerComplete toDateString toExponential toFixed toLocaleDateString toLocaleLowerCase toLocaleString toLocaleTimeString toLocaleUpperCase toLowerCase toPrecision toString toTimeString toUTCString toUpperCase toXMLString togglePause trace transform transformPoint transitions translate ui uint uncompress underline unescape unescapeMultiByte uninstallActions union unload unloadClip unloadMovie unlock unshift updateAfterEvent updateProperties upload uploadCompleteData url useCodepage utils valueOf video visible watch willTrigger windowlessDisable writeBoolean writeByte writeBytes writeDouble writeDynamicProperties writeDynamicProperty writeExternal writeFloat writeInt writeMultiByte writeObject writeShort writeUTF writeUTFBytes writeUnsignedInt xml zoom ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #KEYWORD=[ 3 ]Property ;Color : E = 40, S = 240, L = 60 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Infinity ACTIONSCRIPT2 ACTIONSCRIPT3 ACTIVATE ACTIVITY ADD ADDED ADDED_TO_STAGE ADVANCED ALPHA ALPHANUMERIC_FULL ALPHANUMERIC_HALF ALT ALWAYS AMF0 AMF3 AT_TARGET AUTO BACKSPACE BEST BEVEL BIG_ENDIAN BINARY BLUE BOLD BOLD_ITALIC BOTTOM BOTTOM_LEFT BOTTOM_RIGHT BUBBLING_PHASE Bindable CAMERA CANCEL CAPSLOCK CAPS_LOCK CAPTURING_PHASE CASEINSENSITIVE CENTER CHANGE CHINESE CLAMP CLICK CLOSE COLOR COMPLETE CONNECT CONTROL CRT ChangeEvent ComponentTask DARKEN DARK_COLOR DATA DEACTIVATE DEFAULT DELETE DELETEKEY DESCENDING DEVICE DIFFERENCE DOUBLE_CLICK DOWN DYNAMIC E ELEMENT_NODE EMBEDDED END ENTER ENTER_FRAME ERASE ERROR ESCAPE EXACT_FIT F1 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FLASH1 FLASH2 FLASH3 FLASH4 FLASH5 FLASH6 FLASH7 FLASH8 FLASH9 FLUSHED FOCUS_IN FOCUS_OUT FULL FULLSCREEN FULL_SCREEN GET GREEN HARDLIGHT HIGH HOME HORIZONTAL HTTP_STATUS ID3 IGNORE IME_COMPOSITION INIT INNER INPUT INSERT INVERT IO_ERROR ITALIC IconFile Infinity Inspectable InspectableList JAPANESE_HIRAGANA JAPANESE_KATAKANA_FULL JAPANESE_KATAKANA_HALF JUSTIFY KEY_DOWN KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE KEY_UP KOREAN LANDSCAPE LAYER LCD LEFT LIGHTEN LIGHT_COLOR LINEAR LINEAR_RGB LINK LITTLE_ENDIAN LN10 LN2 LOCAL_STORAGE LOCAL_TRUSTED LOCAL_WITH_FILE LOCAL_WITH_NETWORK LOG10E LOG2E LOW MAX_VALUE MEDIUM MICROPHONE MIN_VALUE MITER MOUSE_DOWN MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE MOUSE_LEAVE MOUSE_MOVE MOUSE_OUT MOUSE_OVER MOUSE_UP MOUSE_WHEEL MULTIPLY NEGATIVE_INFINITY NET_STATUS NEVER NONE NORMAL NO_BORDER NO_SCALE NUMERIC NUMPAD_0 NUMPAD_1 NUMPAD_2 NUMPAD_3 NUMPAD_4 NUMPAD_5 NUMPAD_6 NUMPAD_7 NUMPAD_8 NUMPAD_9 NUMPAD_ADD NUMPAD_DECIMAL NUMPAD_DIVIDE NUMPAD_ENTER NUMPAD_MULTIPLY NUMPAD_SUBTRACT NUM_PAD NaN OPEN OUTER OVERLAY PAD PAGE_DOWN PAGE_UP PENDING PGDN PGUP PI PIXEL PORTRAIT POSITIVE_INFINITY POST PRIVACY PROGRESS RADIAL RED REFLECT REGULAR REMOTE REMOVED REMOVED_FROM_STAGE RENDER REPEAT RESIZE RETURNINDEXEDARRAY RGB RIGHT ROLL_OUT ROLL_OVER ROUND SCREEN SCROLL SECURITY_ERROR SELECT SETTINGS_MANAGER SHIFT SHOW_ALL SOCKET_DATA SOUND_COMPLETE SPACE SQRT1_2 SQRT2 SQUARE STANDARD STATUS SUBPIXEL SUBTRACT SYNC TAB TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE TAB_INDEX_CHANGE TEXT TEXT_INPUT TEXT_NODE TIMER TIMER_COMPLETE TOP TOP_LEFT TOP_RIGHT UNIQUESORT UNKNOWN UNLOAD UP UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA VARIABLES VERTICAL WRAP __proto__ _alpha _currentframe _droptarget _focusrect _framesloaded _global _height _highquality _level _name _parent _quality _root _rotation _self _soundbuftime _target _totalframes _url _visible _width _x _xmouse _xscale _y _ymouse _yscale a accessibilityProperties actionScriptVersion actionsList activate activating active activityLevel album align alpha alphaMultiplier alphaOffset alphas altKey alwaysShowSelection angle antiAliasType applicationDomain artist ascent attributes autoSize avHardwareDisable available b background backgroundColor bandwidth bias bitmapData blendMode blockIndent blueMultiplier blueOffset blurX blurY bold border borderColor bottom bottomRight bottomScroll bottomScrollV bubbles bufferLength bufferTime builtInItems bullet buttonDown buttonMode bytesAvailable bytesLoaded bytesTotal c cacheAsBitmap cancelable capsLock caption caretIndex category changeList charCode charCount checkPolicyFile childAllowsParent childNodes clamp client code color colorTransform colors comment componentX componentY concatenatedColorTransform concatenatedMatrix condenseWhite connect connected connectedProxyType constructor content contentLoaderInfo contentType contextMenu contextMenuOwner conversionMode creationDate creator ctrlKey currentCount currentDomain currentFPS currentFrame currentLabel currentLabels currentScene currentTarget customItems d data dataFormat date dateUTC day dayUTC deactivate deblocking defaultObjectEncoding defaultTextFormat defaultValue delay delta descent description displayAsPassword displayMode displayState distance divisor docTypeDecl domain dotall doubleClickEnabled downState dropTarget duration dynamicPropertyWriter embedFonts enabled endian enumeration error errorID eventPhase exactSettings extended extension fileList filters firstChild focus focusRect font fontName fontSize fontStyle fontType forceSimple forwardAndBack fps frame frameRate framesLoaded fullScreen fullYear fullYearUTC gain genre global graphics greenMultiplier greenOffset gridFitType hasAccessibility hasAudio hasAudioEncoder hasEmbeddedVideo hasIME hasMP3 hasPrinting hasScreenBroadcast hasScreenPlayback hasStreamingAudio hasStreamingVideo hasTLS hasVideoEncoder height hideObject highlightAlpha highlightColor hitArea hitTestState hours hoursUTC hscroll html htmlText id3 idMap ignoreCase ignoreComments ignoreProcessingInstructions ignoreWhite ignoreWhitespace ime indent index info inner insideCutoff ioError isBuffering isDebugger kerning keyCode keyFrameInterval keyLocation knockout labels language lastChild lastIndex leading left leftMargin leftPeak leftToLeft leftToRight length letterSpacing level listOffset liveDelay loader loaderInfo loaderURL localFileReadDisable localName localX localY loop loopback macType manufacturer mapBitmap mapPoint matrix matrixX matrixY maxChars maxLevel maxScrollH maxScrollV maxhscroll maxscroll message method milliseconds millisecondsUTC minutes minutesUTC mode modificationDate month monthUTC motionLevel motionTimeout mouseChildren mouseEnabled mouseTarget mouseWheelEnabled multiline muted name names namespaceURI nextSibling noAutoLabeling nodeName nodeType nodeValue numChildren numFrames numLines numLock objectEncoding objectID onChanged onClose onConnect onCuePoint onData onDragOut onDragOver onEnterFrame onKeyDown onKeyUp onKillFocus onLoad onLoadComplete onLoadError onLoadInit onLoadProgress onLoadStart onMetaData onMouseDown onMouseMove onMouseUp onPlayStatus onPress onRelease onReleaseOutside onResize onRollOut onRollOver onScroller onSelect onSetFocus onSoundComplete onUnload onXML opaqueBackground orientation os outsideCutoff overState pageHeight pageWidth pan paperHeight paperWidth parameters parentAllowsChild parentDomain parentNode password pixelAspectRatio pixelBounds pixelSnapping play playerType position prefix preserveAlpha prettyIndent prettyPrinting previousSibling print printAsBitmap progress prototype proxyType quality rate ratios read readonly rect redMultiplier redOffset relatedObject repeatCount requestHeaders restrict rewind right rightMargin rightPeak rightToLeft rightToRight running sameDomain sandboxType save scale9Grid scaleMode scenes screenColor screenDPI screenResolutionX screenResolutionY scroll scrollH scrollRect scrollV seconds secondsUTC securityDomain securityError selectable selectionBeginIndex selectionEndIndex separatorBefore serverString shadowAlpha shadowColor sharedEvents sharpness shiftKey shortcut showDefaultContextMenu silenceLevel silenceTimeout silent size smoothing songName soundTransform source stage stageFocusRect stageHeight stageWidth stageX stageY status strength styleNames styleSheet swfVersion tabChildren tabEnabled tabIndex tabStops target text textColor textHeight textSnapshot textWidth thickness time timezoneOffset top topLeft totalFrames totalMemory track trackAsMenu transform transparent tx ty type underline upState uri url useCodePage useEchoSuppression useHandCursor useRichTextClipboard usingTLS value variable verbose version videoHeight videoWidth visible volume width wordWrap writeonly x xmlDecl y year zoom ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #KEYWORD=[ 4 ]DataType ;Color : E = 40, S = 180, L = 80 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #KEYWORD=[ 5 ]Function Name ;Color : E = 0, S = 240, L = 120 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #KEYWORD=[ 6 ]Package, Class Name ;Color : E = 0, S = 240, L = 120 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------